Direktlänk till inlägg 11 oktober 2009

Final Blog

Av Lily Boström - 11 oktober 2009 21:17

Despite my doubts, the novel The Kite Runner turned out to be an amazingly good book. As a matter of fact, Khaled Hosseini’s novel proved to be one of the few books that has touched me. I am happy that I have read this fantastic novel, and I will always remember the friendship between Amir and Hassan.

Concerning the questions, I will try not to tell too much of the plot, if there are people who might want to read the novel later.

When reading the novel, the reader truly gets an insight into how hard it is to adapt to a new culture and country. After the Soviet invasion, the protagonist and his father immigrated to the US. As a consequence of moving to a new country, Amir and his father had to adapt to a new culture. The main character, who was very young when he came to the United States, did not have any problems with adapting to the different life.


On the contrary, his father could never be quite happy.

In the United States, Amir went to collage and afterwards he became an author. However, his father, who had an important job in Afghanistan, had to work at a gas station in the States, just to stay alive. In a similar manner, it is not only Afghans in the US who has problems like this. For instance, here in Sweden we have the same problem. Surgeons, architects, engineers etc. do not have a chance to work with the things they are educated for.

However, they managed to keep traditions alive in the US. In my opinion, it is

because there were many other refugees from Afghanistan. When being a lot of people who share the same culture and traditions, it is easier to stay with it. After all, traditions characterizes people a lot, and I believe giving up traditions may be very difficult, and that is why many people seek out others with the same culture. That is why I think Amir’s father socialized with Afghans mostly.

The relationship between the protagonist and his father became increasingly better in the States. In my opinion, I think they managed to improve their relationship, because of not living in Afghanistan. In the United States Amir’s father had an opportunity to really focus on the father-and-son-relationship.

According to me, courage is when you do something you really fear. However, it does not have to mean that you are going to fight a lion or run into a burning house. Undoubtedly, it can also be courageous to tell the truth and admit that you have done something wrong. I truly believe that Amir is courageous. The protagonist says: ”I don’t want to forget anymore” (The Kite Runner, page 242). By admitting that he has done something wrong and are prepared to find redemption for his past is very courageous. Amir had a chance to forget the past and live on with his life, but he decided to conquer his biggest fear. Finally, Amir proofs himself to be a man who can stand up for himself, and also for others.

In the end, the book is much about taking responsibility for your actions, and finding redemption.

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Sarah Price

13 oktober 2009 17:30

You start off your final blog in a very god way with a summary of your own thoughts and that is a perfect way to get peoples attention and interest, even mine.

I will not comment too much on your language, it is adjust to the reader and I can not find any unnecessary linkers. Even though this is a blog you are writing I want to give you some extra credit for using very formal language, which I think is the most difficult because I am used to use all sort of slang and informal talk in my regular blog.

You do not tell us too much of the plot which is a good thing in this case because you are really selling the story with only mentioning the most interesting and important things in the book, which makes us curios but still satisfied with not knowing too much.

Also in this blog you mention obvious differences we actually deny quite often in our society, immigrants who have not got the chance to work with their specialties.

Similar things between our books are still the immigration to a new country, a different culture and holding on to traditions.

I want to wish you luck with upcoming tasks and you have done a great job with your last blog!



13 oktober 2009 19:00

First of all, I would like to say you have succeeded once again. In my opinion, the blog was very well presented. My favourite part was the introduction. I thought it was a good and interesting way to start a text, and it showed that you really liked your book. In addition, you managed to use a lot of linkers, both formal ones, such as ”As a consequence” and some less formal linkers, such as ”On the contrary”. In my opinion, this made the text very appropriate and you used a good, semi-formal register.

In addition, you mentioned some very interesting thoughts on both adaptability, courage and cultural differences. For instance, you wrote that there are many different types of bravery. As an example, you said that Amir is very courageous because of his honesty. Personally, I strongly agree. I also think that both Atonement and The kite runner are about having the courage to do what is right, and in the novels, bravery is not necessarily about fighting and doing dangerous things.

Finally, I though that the last line in your blog was an excellent summary of the novel. In fact, it could also have been a description of my book. For even though Atonement and The kite runner are about two different characters, with completely different cultures, traditions, futures and pasts, the novels are surprisingly similar. Because in my opinion, they both seam to be about growing up and handling changes in a responsible and honest way.


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Av Lily Boström - 27 september 2009 16:42

Second part (pages 102-207). By reading The Kite Runner, the westerner truly gets an insight into the Afghan society. The Afghan class system consists primarily of two groups, a majority of the people are pashtun and a minority are hazara. The g...

Av Lily Boström - 9 september 2009 21:47

I'm reading "The kite runner", a novel by the author Khaled Hosseinin. "I became what I am today at the age of twelve, on a frigid overcast day in the winter of 1975. I remember the precise moment, crouching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking ...


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